Tag Archives: trail

Hemlock Overlook

I hiked a trail at Hemlock Overlook in Clifton, VA this past weekend.  Mommy let me go off leash so I led the way for the 6 mile hike.  I would run about 30 feet ahead then run back to make sure mommy was okay.  So technically, I hiked more than 6 miles.

I was zonked out when we got home.  All I did was sleep the next day.  I can’t wait to go back again!

~ Luke

P.S. I went to the vet clinic for my annual examination a couple days ago.  Guess how much I weigh?  52 pounds of lean muscle.  The vet was impressed with my shiny coat and white teeth.  What can I say?  I look GOOD. 😉


My name is Luke. I will be your trail guide for today.


Follow me!

Bull Run Mountain Part 1

Lita, Riley and I hiked Bull Run Mountain on Sunday.  We were a big pack…mommy Jenny, Aunt Kwyn (my ghostwriter), Aunt Laura (mommy’s best friend), Cousin Dave (Lita’s poppa) and Kellie (Riley’s mommy) joined us.  It was quite a journey with a couple of steep inclines up a rocky path.  We hiked about 2.5 miles up to the overlook then back down for a total of about 5 miles.

I HAD TO BE THE LEADER so Aunt Laura ran with me ahead of everyone, only to stop when I couldn’t see mommy anymore.  Then we ran back to everyone so I could make sure the rest of the pack was safe.  So Aunt Laura and I probably did a 6 mile hike.  Thanks Aunt Laura!  You rock! 😀

We saw a stream along the trail so Riley was excited to see water.  She jumped in immediately.  Since Riley jumped into the water, I followed her, because you know, monkey see, monkey do.  Lita didn’t want anything to do with getting wet so she watched us from dry land.  It was a nice cool dip in the water to begin our journey.

This is the end of Part 1 of my blog.  Stay tuned for Part 2.  Enjoy the pics! ~ Luke

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Let’s get our feet wet before we dive in, okay?

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Lita says, “This is as far as I go. Continue on, you crazy wet labs!”

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Holy Cow!!!  Riley, why didn’t you tell me the water was deep?!

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Oh my gosh.  Oh my gosh.  Oh my gosh.  Land!!!!

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Where are you going Riley?!

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I think we should join Lita back on land.