Monthly Archives: April 2014

It’s time to visit vineyards!

Spring has sprung and it’s warm enough to sit outside and have a picnic at local vineyards.  That means yours truly gets to tag along at dog friendly vineyards.

Last Friday, I visited Sunset Hills Vineyard in Purcellville, Virgnia.  I was chillin’ on the porch as we listened to live music.  It rained but the sky opened up enough for a nice picture of the sunset.

I hadn’t seen aunt Kim in forever but I recognized her as soon as she got out of her car.  I did my whimpering doggie thing and she was putty in my hands. 😉

Grandma and grandpa have been feeding me too many treats since Christmas and I packed on the winter pounds.  Well, aunt Kim (she’s a veterinarian) confirmed that I was obese.  Now that the weather is nice, I will be doing a lot of hiking so I’ll be back to my normal healthy svelte self sooner than you can snap your fingers. 😀

Have a happy Easter and Passover everyone.  Until next time!

~ Luke

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Happiness is…

…finding a big stick to play with.  Winter is over and it’s officially spring time which means I’ll be doing lots of fun outdoor activities like watching mommy play lacrosse, hiking, going to the beach, camping and visiting vineyards.  Let the fun begin!

~ Luke

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