Tag Archives: candles

Green bean candles!

We celebrated Uncle Tony’s birthday yesterday.  I was soooo happy to see him!  He’s been busy at work so I haven’t seen him for a couple of weeks.  I let him know how much I missed him by tackling him on the couch and we rough housed for a bit.

When it came time for the birthday cake, I was up close and personal, inspecting it to make sure everything was okay.  Best of all, green bean candles were used so I could have some “cake” too!  Bestest of all, all those yummy green bean candles were mine, all mine!!!!! 😀

Until next time! ~ Luke

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Why do you tempt me?!

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See?  I’m a good boy.  Just observing.


Hurry up and blow the candle already…I want my green beans!!!